< Events
These webinars are designed for teachers who have a passion for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and who are interested in learning more about student-centered, inquiry-based experiences that prepare their students for success in STEM research and careers! Teachers will hear from Canadian Light Source (CLS) experts on how synchrotron research can help support student development in research skills, teamwork, communicating science, learning new perspectives, and more.
What is a Synchrotron?
A synchrotron is a source of brilliant light that scientists can use to gather information about the structural and chemical properties of materials at the molecular level. A synchrotron produces light by using radio frequency waves and powerful electromagnets to accelerate electrons to nearly the speed of light. Different spectra of light, such as Infrared, Ultraviolet, and X-rays, are directed down beamlines where researchers choose the desired wavelength to study their samples. Researchers observe the interaction between the light and matter in their sample at the end stations (small laboratories). The information obtained can be used to help design new drugs, build more efficient and cleaner batteries, help remediate soil from mines, and help innovate fertilizers and crop varieties, to name just a few applications. The Canadian Light Source is Canada’s only synchrotron and is located in Saskatoon, SK.
What will the Sessions Cover?
What will the Sessions Cover?
March 5th from 12-2 pm CST: Context of CLS
· What is the Canadian Light Source?
· What is a synchrotron and how does it conduct research?
· How can high school students conduct experiments on the IDEAS Beamline?
· Q & A
March 19th from 12-2 pm CST: IDEAS in Action
· Touring IDEAS
· Engaging in real-time experiment on IDEAS with soil
· Q & A with a Beamline Scientist
Where to go from here? How Nutrients for Life and CLS Education can help!
March 5th from 12-2 pm CST: Context of CLS
· What is the Canadian Light Source?
· What is a synchrotron and how does it conduct research?
· How can high school students conduct experiments on the IDEAS Beamline?
· Q & A
March 19th from 12-2 pm CST: IDEAS in Action
· Touring IDEAS
· Engaging in real-time experiment on IDEAS with soil
· Q & A with a Beamline Scientist
· Where to go from here? How Nutrients for Life and CLS Education can help!
For more information contact:
Executive Director
Nutrients for Life Foundation Canada
Education Coordinator
Canadian Light Source
Nutrients for Life is supported by: