< Learning Gardens map

Principal Sparling School

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Size of school

215 students
Grade levels

Pre K - 6
Grant received

School Garden Grant ($500)


About our Garden

Please describe your garden, is it raised beds, in the ground, do you have a greenhouse?

The gardens are raised beds in a mulched in area.

What vegetables/fruit do you grow in your garden? What do you have a difficult time growing in your school garden?

We grew a variety of vegetables including: lettuce, red and Spanish onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, beans, peas, corn and potatoes. Corn was more difficult to grow as the summer was very hot and it did not receive enough water.

Why did your school decide to add a school garden?

We decided to add a school garden to increase understanding and awareness of the principles of sustainability in the student body. As well, the school Enviro Club showed high interest in the project.

What classes participate in the garden, what subjects are taught in the garden?

Currently the garden space is available to the entire school body. The Enviro club in the first year did the planting and maintenance. The plan for this year is to extend responsibility to all classrooms to plant and maintain a part of the garden and incorporate subjects such as art, science, social studies, health, ELA and math outdoors.

Who manages the garden day to day? Who manages the garden over the Summer break?

Currently the enviro club has a schedule for maintaining the gardens. We intend to include our day care over the summer as well as community members to maintain the gardens.

What do you do with the harvest from your garden? Do you have a harvest celebration? Do you use it in the cafeteria, or culinary classes? Do you donate some of the produce?

As last year summer was quite hot, the produce was not as developed as hoped. However, the plan for this year is to have a local chef come and help us plan a feast in the fall time at harvest.

Do you have community involvement? Do you have parents and volunteers? Have been able to source other funding to help your garden grow?

We are working toward including more community connections this year and families of enviro club students. We did receive further funding from MB Hydro which helped us move the garden beds off the school hardtop onto a mulched in learning space.

What are your future plans for the school garden?

The future plans include adding seating such stumps and logs and picnic tables as well as another raised bed. A perennial MB native and Indigenous garden is also being proposed to extend cultural awareness and respect as well as understanding of plant growth and cycles.