Somerset, Manitoba
Please describe your garden, is it raised beds, in the ground, do you have a greenhouse?
We have purchased an indoor greenhouse and growing lights. We are growing flowers for Christmas and are looking to create ecosystem projects that are plant based. we have purchased the materials to build three raised beds. We hope to use each bed to demonstrate the effects of agricultural practices on growing various plants.
What vegetables/fruit do you grow in your garden? What do you have a difficult time growing in your school garden?
We have not begun to grow fruit or vegetables yet.
Why did your school decide to add a school garden?
We wanted to use the gardens to develop sustainable gardening practices for the young farmers in our school. we want to show them what farming practices hinder the growth of crops and which practices will ensure longevity of the farm land. A lot of experimenting is going to happen over the next few years.
What classes participate in the garden, what subjects are taught in the garden?
Grade 4 science, Grade 7 Math, Grade 7 Science, Grade 10 Science, These science curriculum have ecosystems units. the math comes into play with the unit on measurement and decimals.
Who manages the garden day to day? Who manages the garden over the Summer break?
Presently the staff is working together to develop project ideas and we want the grade 4 class to take care of the garden during the school year under the direction of one of our educational assistants. We have not yet established a plan for the summer.
What do you do with the harvest from your garden? Do you have a harvest celebration? Do you use it in the cafeteria, or culinary classes? Do you donate some of the produce?
What we grow, we want to make presents out of. So we can give flowers to parents on special occasions. Foods would be shared on special occasions among the students and staff who participate in the projects.
Do you have community involvement? Do you have parents and volunteers? Have been able to source other funding to help your garden grow?
There is a local carpenter who is donating his time to help build the raised beds. I am hoping to continue to raise funds to build a green house next to the school. It would be a community based project that the school and the community would share. It would allow the school to use what it needs to continue its program and allow the community to benefit from the use of the greenhouse as well.
What are your future plans for the school garden?
TO grow! Figuratively and literally. Indoor greenhouse now big outdoor greenhouse next.
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