Edmonton, Alberta
Please describe your garden, is it raised beds, in the ground, do you have a greenhouse?
We were able to buy lumber to deepen our garden beds and some soil and nutrients to prepare it for planting. The students helped plan what we planted ( one flower garden bed, one veggie bed and another herb/ veggie bed. We purchased a wagon and watering cans to water it during the months of May, June and September. We bought many seeds and planted them in the garden, and used the gloves that fit the students. Our project is now at 3 fully functioning garden plots that we can use yearly. We purchased lumber to build up the garden beds, seeds, student garden gloves, wagon, watering cans, and tools for planting and maintaining. Also, we bought raspberry bushes for our little flower beds on the side of the school heading to the playground. We also purchased mulch and new tree stumps for our outdoor classroom space. Students looked forward to look after the gardens in the spring and coming back in the fall to see the fruit and veggies of our labor. They were excited to taste items they grew. We talked about the plant life cycle and importance of food sustainability in our plant. All students at Brightview received seeds and soil from the school, who received them from Grow Alberta. We were able to encourage gardens even at home. In September, my students already asked if our class will be in charge of the gardens again.
What are your future plans for the school garden?
Continue to plan, plant and harvest yearly. My goal is to start the seeds in the classroom in the spring and have the students experience transplanting them later in the spring. My ultimate plan is to plant enough veggies to make a soup in the fall for the students next year depending on COVID. Also, encourage all students to get out and enjoy our learning garden space and appreciate nature.
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