< Learning Gardens map

Four Winds Public School

Morinville, Alberta

Size of school

430 students
Students participating

25 students
Grant received

School Garden Grant


About our Garden

Please describe your garden, is it raised beds, in the ground, do you have a greenhouse?

Our Thelma Chalifoux Learning Garden grand opening is June 17th. Her family is coming to have tea and meet with our Green Team who is currently taking care of the garden. The garden has been designed in consultation with Thelma's family and an educational landscaping expert. The plants in the garden are a mix of native plants used for traditional teachings and plants Thelma loved to have in her garden. A sign describing the plants and her passion for gardening is currently being installed.
Science teachers are currently planning their outcomes to include a scope and sequence for our students to access and use the Learning garden in their science classes every year they are at our school. We are also giving some of herbs and sweet grass as gifts to volunteers.
Our Green Team has planted, weeded and watered the garden since it has open-ended. They are working on a summer watering plan to ensure the plants have a healthy break. Students will be actively bringing their science curriculum to life because of our Learning Garden. The outcomes related to agriculture, soil, gardens and food will be taught at each grade level through use of the garden.

What are your future plans for the school garden?

Finalize the scope and sequence, plant some black eyed susans and prepare for the grand opening on June 17th. We appreciate the support from the Nutrients for Life Grant.
