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Tamara Visits Janeville Elementary

WOW for a little school on the Bay of Chaleur in Northern New Brunswick, they certainly love SCIENCE! Ms. Ellis’s extra curricular program, “Science Buddies” is very involved and love learning about science. I first visited the school back in February where I met with 2 classes and talked about where food comes from and how growing your own food is not only fun but also nutritious! We planted some wheatgrass at the end of my talk.

I then attended their science fair on Earth day, April 22, where they had all of the science projects for the community to come and see, and there were several activity booths set up in the gym to learn more about science. We set up a booth where the children could make NPK bracelets to learn about plant nutrients, they made wheatgrass smoothies, and I brought some fossil filled donated by the PotashCorp to dig for fossils. It was a hugely organized event and well attended! Well done Ms. Ellis!

On June 17 they had their school learning garden opening, it was another well attended evening where the Science Buddies got to show off their new greenhouse. It was completely made out of recycled materials. The greenhouse was constructed by stringing 2 L pop bottles together and the pots were all made from Tim Horton’s cups. What a fantastic idea to reduce, reuse and recycle! They had their garden beds finished and all planted with healthy food. I was able to give them some 6-12-12 fertilizer that was donated to me by Cavendish Agri Services in Salisbury NB, so they could keep their veggies healthy!

It was fantastic to work with Ms. Ellis and her Science Buddies and I look forward to see what they will be harvesting this fall!