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Growing Learning Gardens with Green Manitoba & Winnipeg Harvest

Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s Off To The Gardens We Go…

June 26, 2015 – Winnipeg Manitoba

Nutrients For Life has been busy over the past few months with the launch of our National Learning Garden Program in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Nutrients For Life partnered with Green Manitoba and Winnipeg Harvest in launching Winnipeg’s newest community garden. The garden itself will act in part as a community learning garden for nearby schools to educate youth in Nutrients For Life science based curriculum while helping students to understand the importance of sustainable food sources.

In the above photo a greenhouse was created using recycled water bottles has been added to the garden this year. The garden itself is nearly sustainable – it includes various types of raised garden beds in a number of different growing containers from straw bales to blue boxes to tires. This community learning garden also includes a walkway made from recycled tires to help maintain the garden paths.

The recycled tire walkway was built using recycled shredded tires through a partnership with Tire Stewardship Manitoba, Green Manitoba, Nutrients For Life Canada, and Chase Rubber Paving.

Nutrients For Life Donates $3000 Dollars to Miller Comprehensive Catholic High School!

During the launch of the National Learning Garden Program, Nutrients For Life donated $3000 dollars to Miller Comprehensive Catholic High School to help them with their continued support in educating youth through Learning Gardens. Nutrients For Life offers a six part package curriculum titled “Nourishing the Planet in the 21st Century”. These Learning Gardens can be great outdoor teachers that inspire youth through science, sunshine, nutrients, water, and clean air.

Opportunities are available for schools who are interested in adopting a learning garden at their school.